Monday, June 7, 2010

ME2 makes me cry with joy and then pass out with exhaustion

 I can't say enough good things about Mass Effect 2.  So I'll stop there on the positives b/c they would just go on forever.  But trust me, if you game, you really need to play this game.  If you like sci-fi you really need to play this game.  If you get enjoyment out of tabletop rpg's that let you explore character motivations and personality you really need to play this game.  If you like shooter/adventure games you really need to play this game.

Visually stunning, conceptionally innovation and with absolute perfect storytelling I cannot rave more about this franchise.  Mass Effect 1 is necessary to play 2 (you import your character and all your decisions into the 2nd one and it DOES make a difference) and that was one of my all time top 5 video games so it's not like you need to trudge along and play ME1 - that game is phenomenal all by itself.  But ME2 - it just adds something to the industry that I cannot put into words.

I started this game on Sunday night.  I had been playing dragon age, beaten it, but due to an xbox glitch with downloading my gamertag to a new xbox machine i lost like, 300 gamer points.  So I was all set to restart the game and replay it to get my points back.  I told this to my online gamer friends who all immediately replied, "Dude, seriously, dragon age was a great game but everyone i talk to who replayed it was like, 'i'm gonna beat it before i play me2' and then they played me 2 and they were like, 'why the f did i wait so long to play me2?'" so based on this riveting and completely strong argument I popped in ME2 last sunday night.  Even though I said, "i don't necessarily want to play me2 right away because after playing me1 i was so sad that I would have to wait years to play me2."  And they said, nooo don't worry, it's worth it.

Those fuckers are probably working for Bioware.

4 days and 34 hours later I had beaten the game.  And now all i can think about is the DLC just waiting for me (that's downloadable content for you gamer newbs).

Screenshot of Mass Effect 2 male shepard.

Mass Effect 2 DLC (which I'll be buying tomorrow, damnit!!)


  1. i knew what DLC meant! hehe

    seriously, you make a very compelling argument just by the fact that you are buying the DLC. i didn't for Dragon Age, did you? Well sorry, we bought some of the early add-ons but not the expansions that have come out after. A certain rather important NPC died in my DA and I just can't imagine any more games, so although they made a game that they adored, Bioware also sorta prevented me from buying more of it. lol

    so hmmm, when am i going to game? i have to start at ME1. between you and my husband nagging, i'd better get on this!

  2. It was the first time I ever bought DLC before. I can't stop thinking about that game. It's so personal to me though that I can't think of playing another character. ME1 I could because I wasn't invested but now, this is MY sheppard.

    I don't want to spoil anything in ME for you but you have a lot more options and control over your gang than DA. I didn't lose anyone in Dragon Age but I did make Alistar sleep with Morgain and have some sick demon child so...I'll probably be paying for that later. A friend of mine bought awakenings...says it it is very short!

    Yes, I will be bugging you on the ME tip. Can't wait to talk to you about it!
