Friday, May 28, 2010

New blog, same addy

So I am supposed to be driving to rochester at the moment and true to form my procrastination has instead led me to the computer where I obviously need to update my blog that has been neglected for over 2 months before I take off.

I'm here again b/c most people say, "how was india?" and it's not really an easy question to answer in the space of a 5-10 minute conversation.  But usually what I find myself inserting into my now rehearsed and shortened reply is that the biggest thing for me is "the reconcilliation of my views after returning from a completely different culture."  Here then is a good place for me to put those thoughts down.  As well as rant about anything else I feel like it.  Like Twitter.  I want to just shut down my twitter.  I'm hesitating though because Jeremy Scahill, my celebrity crush, follows me on twitter and it's not like I can send him a note saying - here's my email!  Well, Maybe I can.  I don't know.  Anyway, due to my indecision, passivity, and procrastination, I'm now, as those kids say, "blogging."

I've been home for almost 3 months.  In that time I've gone to a few bbq's, started normal work again, kept with my strange diet of pescatarian w/ bacon, had a few guests stop by, visited Maine several times as well as Williamsport & Chicago, read a few books (mostly sitting in the chair attached), beat a few video games (most recently dragon age), cooked a few horrible indian meals, made some decent ones, went golfing for the first time, attended a gaming convention.  But back to Dragon Age.  What a great game.  HOwever Bioware forums completely blow.  I can't upload my screenshot of my hottie mage (or my even hotter rogue which I just had to start and the rogue is so much more fun than the mage.  I realize this makes me predictable for anyone who has ever gamed with me).  I can't even register my games on the site.  Why Bioware must you make life so difficult??

1 comment:

  1. Yay you're back!

    like the new subtitle so much. /giggle

    I sat my bottom in a cream colored leather chair just like that at a furniture store yesterday and did not want to get up again. Total comfort. I'd like a chair like that to play ME and ME2, but I have to uncover the furniture from under the cardboard first.

    Glad you're back "blogging."
