Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Game of Thrones: Shirtless (NSFW)

Game of Thrones.  Epic.  10+ years in the making.  My dream series coming to fruition in all it's beauty, brutality, and just good storytelling glory.  Ok then why am I just turning into one of those annoying teenage swoony girls?

Usually when boobs fill the screen, I yawn thinking:  Oh yes, this boy stuff again.  What does it say about me that boy chests are now all I want to see?  Is it wrong for me to enjoy the equal opportunity of it all?  We got 2 homosexual scenes:  1 female, 1 male.  Both... in mass auditory.  And lots of frontal nudity from both genders.  But the sexy parts were the boys.

The boys of the north:  Robb, Jon, Theon

There are two very interesting things that happened to me that I think are worthy to note.  The first.  I am suddenly a hell of a lot more sympathetic to Theon.   Not because of his chest, which. let's face it, is beautiful.  But because of the way Alfie Allen acts the character.  Sympathetic, a boy really, lost but wanting to please.   But this doesn't hurt:

Theon and Roz

Second:  The perception and actions of individuals are so far removed from the actuality of it.  ACTIONS of course are more important than anything else.  Theon's actions signify something sketchy, subversive and mean.  His treatment of Osha and Roz are paramount in this perception.  Yes he humbly swears fealty to Robb and you have to dwaddle a moment and think:  "he's not all bad." 

But more worrisome is my penchant for loving characters on their perceived actions rather than their actions.  This is of course the power of tv and movies.  Books, it is stark (no pun intended).  It is infront of you, facing you, you can't turn away from it.  And on screen it's something different.  Nuances and eye shifting and facial expressions that say more than the words themselves.  The depth this adds to each character is amazing.

As well as the visuality of each of them.

Who are your favorites?  Do you have any you feel differently about now seeing them on the screen?