Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Veggie It Out!

This weekend I was chatting with some friends while they were grilling and we had a discussion about fake meat.  I'm prone to eat it when there is a grill around but otherwise I never really crave the fake stuff.  There are times when I've salivated for a burger but they are minimal and a lot easier to surpass then wanting a cigarette.

Anyway, I mentioned how some vegetarians (who don't eat bacon) really don't revel in the fact that they are eating veggies.  They bland out their pasta or grains and then wonder why it's so hard to adjust.

In an effort to assist, I am offering my sunday dinner...and it's also meatless monday!  So YAY for veggies!  BLOW out the flavor!  They are good for you and so versatile!  Also, a glass of wine with your veggie meal doesn't hurt.

AJ's Roasted Zucchini with Indian Spices
AJ's Lemony Quinoa with Parsley and Tomato

Okay so I'm gonna make this easy for you because I'm tired.  Forgive the slightly medieval cookbook way of writing this (you know, minor if any measurements, slightly vague directions...)

For the Zuchs:
  • Dice Zuchs, lightly coat with olive oil
  • Put on roasting pan and sprinkle with 1 tsp red pepper, 1/2 tsp cumin seed, 1/2 tsp fennel seed (make sure you grind these seeds up fresh, either in a spice grinder or a motar and pestal)
  • Sprinkle over zuch, heat for 18 mins. @ 450'
This is HOT!  Serve with yogurt or ricotta w/ mint.

For the Quinoa:
  • Dice and saute onion and garlic
  • Roast your quinoa (I make my quinoa like a risotto, hence the following directions)
  • Add 1-2 tsps lemon zest
  • add some chopped tomatoes
  • Add warmed veggie stock slowly, cook through, adding as you go.  (usually 1 cup quinoa = 3-4 cups veggie)
  • Add 1/2 tsp salt (ONLY if using homemade veggie stock.  Do not add if adding storebought)
  • cook it through, about 15 mins.  Toss in parley, and juice of 1 lemon

And finally - pour the wine, sit down, and relax. 

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