Monday, February 15, 2010

Games Galore

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (DS Version) is my new obsession.  The game was released in 2007 and I'm just getting around to checking it out.  Playing it gives me severe anxiety and shakes, like a crack addict on withdrawal (not that I would know anything about that…).

Why? You might ask. It reminds me how far behind I am and how every month I stumble way back.  Here is my to do list when I get home:

  1. Dragon Age (need to finish it)
  2. Arkham Asylum
  3. Borderlands
  4. Army of Two 2
  5. Left4Dead 2
  6. Bioshock 1
  7. Bioshock 2
  8. Mass Effect 2
  9. Assassins Creed 2
Seriously, I’m not even joking. Wouldn’t this give you a massive case of how the hell am I going to keep up jitters? OH AND THEN ON TOP OF IT, in the next 3 months (which let’s be clear, if I took those 3 months, didn’t work and stayed home every weekend strapped to my couch and did nothing else at all besides pee and close my eyes for a few hours a day and snort massive amounts of amphetamines, I wouldn’t get through the mess above) I have the upcoming titles that I will be way behind on:

  1.  Final Fantasy 13 (SS -->)
  2. Alan Wake
  3. Risen
  4. I am Alive
  5. Dante’s Inferno
  6. Fable 3

Oh and just to prove how unhealthy a problem I have, there are a few ps3 exclusive games that I am very much interested in trying out and on principle I’ve withheld getting them b/c it’s monopolizing – at the very least they can put it out on PC. But I’m starting to fold just on the sheer pressure of not getting to see this technology feat as it’s happening

  1. Heavy Rain
  2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  3. Kingdom Hearts
  4. Ok, I’ll just throw it in: Persona
 So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm glad I caught up on my reading while I was here.


  1. Wow and I thought I had a problem with my list of Mass Effect, ME II and Borderlands. But now I know why you are moving through books like crazy!

  2. You should try out arkham again imo - I know you said you didn't get into it, but I keep hearing amazing things about it. Alan Wake also looks amazing!

  3. I just realized you said ME and ME2. Definatley play ME asap! Prob my all time fav. It's standard bioware rpg setup but the universe is amazing! It's better defined than a lot of sci fi books i've read.

  4. You really should get out more. You are living abroad see as much as you can while you have the time....and also ur such a tom boy!

  5. I get out all the time! These are games for when I go back to the US. I have excellent time management skills - I am able to have a balance between a full social life and a gaming life. But yes, I am a tomboy, I admit that.

  6. Also, no kids -- that helps A LOT on the free time to play games. =) @ Kalanna - you are a rockstar!!!
