Friday, May 20, 2011

Miffed at bad taste

So this dude I know was like, "I'm not really impressed with Game of Thrones" and I think if I had something hot or sharp I would have pushed it into his skin.  I literally had to stop myself from commenting on just how idiotic a comment that was.  I can understand someone not liking the content, or not liking the style, or the actors.  But no impressed with the show?  Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you.  I shut that conversation down so fast in the hopes that I wouldn't go physically violent on his ass.  I forget exactly what I said but it was short and probably mean.   He replied, "maybe I should watch it again."  Yeah dude, you fucking go do that.  Now.  And come back with the right answer.

Winter is coming does a great recap of tweets from the eps.  But I'm going to be listing my favorite as well:

From Episode 1.5 (Wolf and Lion):

@HarmoniumGuard: Fact: Tonight’s tag is #wolfandlion. Also the name of Barristan Selmy’s fists.
@CarLNJF: I hope to work the phrase “Go find the breastplate stretcher” into conversation tomorrow at work. #GameOfThrones
@DeusExCinema: Man that’s some poncey armour. #GameofThrones
@silkskinned: I didn’t catch on that Renly was probably banging the Knight of Flowers until about book 3. His first appearance? 30 seconds. #gameofthrones
@lag28wa: Somehow ‘sore loser’ doesn’t seem to cover it #GameofThrones
@silkskinned: I want a dragon skull to use as an armchair. Arya is pimping, yo. #gameofthrones

I love the second by second tweets of the last scene:
@jennnmarshall: OoOoOh Kingslayer, I yield! #gameofthrones
@textualdeviance: Holy FUCK. #GameofThrones
@bockanalia: Omg. My eye! My eye! #GameofThrones
@elena__ghaha: #gameofthrones ned can fight!
 @lucchaser: Noooo Boromir!!! Not again #GameOfThrones #HBO

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