Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sometimes the best part of blogs...

Are the comments.

I was going to write up a meatless monday recipe but compeltely destoryed my attempt this weekend at making something new.  So eat some spaghetti today.

Now, to prove my point, here are some comments on blogs that I've found freakin hilarious:

I unfortunately cannot give these people the credit due as they are anon or random internet handles.  BUt here you go:

On release of new game trailer (assassin's creed:brotherhood):
  • "I have watched this trailer 5 times in a row which puts me 17 minutes closer to playing the game."
On Mass Effect Figurines released:
  • "Now these are figures I would consider.  Why not?  I plan to be single for a long time and I love mass effect." - phatsmahoney
On Joss Whedon named to direct the Avengers Movie:
  • "Aw man, does this mean they are going to cancel it before it's finished?"  - the smack

And finally, what happens when you put right wing zealots who scream "god hates fags" at comic-con?  Here is your answer.

God, I love geeks.


  1. Ya, those pictures were funny.

    I *almost* started playing Mass effect but got derailed by... Puzzle Quest 2. I'm lame. lol

    they'd better not cancel Avengers. I need some Joss.

  2. Your post made me start Puzzle Quest 2 again! Ha! That games eats up a lot of time.
