Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day, meatless mondays are back!

Has it really been almost a year since I posted about food?  Well let me change that immedately.

Due to the bit of hiatus, there are now 2 new meatless monday meals to inspire you to go all...meatless...on mondays.  remember, if everyone chose 1 day to not eat meat we would reduce meat consumption by 10% !  You yourself will eat 7-10% less per week.  Not bad for one day off.

So on that note, two of my more recent fav dishes:

#1 - Zucchini and polenta
I took this recipe and modified it a bit, reducing the time to prepare by over an hour.  I didn't ball up the zucchini, simply cut it up and threw in a pan with the indian spices and tomato and poured over the polenta.  Still delicious.  The side dish was an attempt at a spicy red bean dish.  And it was spicy.   Added garam masala, cayene, and some cumin.   I forgot the onions and anything else for that matter so threw in some bean sprouts at the end.

#2 - Taboleh Risotto and Indian eggplant & potato

This entire meal has quickly become one of my favs.  In fact I think I could eat one of these dishes every day for the rest of my life.  But here they are together, an amazing overdose of flavor.  The Risotto is something i came up with after being inspired by a dish at a restaurant that they wouldn't give me the recipe to and as payback I decided to make my own version and post it everywhere in the world.  I don't have a lot of internet clout though so making it for myself will have to do.  The eggplant and potato can be found here and is an amazingly simply dish and worth making yourself.  I add tomato into it.

AJ's taboleh rissoto:
  • Take an onion (shallot is best) and garlic, chop up and sautee in a pan (medium skillet that is at least 1.5-2 inches deep
  • Add chopped tomatoes
  • Add 1 cup bulgur wheat and stir around (like a risotto)
  • add 1/2 tsp salt or salt to taste
  • Slowly add 1/2 cup of veggie stock at a time, and stir (like a risotto).  I usually add around 2-3 cups of stock depending.  Takes about 20-30 minutes to cook through.  Your wheat is done when it's soft but still textured.
  • Add about 1/4 chopped kalmata olives
  • add 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • stir and heat in for a few minutes
  • Place on plate.  Sprinkle with Brie cheese (rind removed).  I kid you not, it is delicious.


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