Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Meghan McCain vs. Obama (Pt. 3)

The most common liberal argument about the McCain picture was that Meghan showed off her chest illiciting a reaction that was calculated and narcisisticallly driven.  And as I have just pointed out, marketing oneself is key to how you are perceived and Meghan chose to market herself with a twitpic, thus opening her up for ridcule, right?  Wrong.

She did not make money off that pic, she did not try to sell any addiitonal ideas or images of herself from it.  It was a candid shot from a girl who is a complex person -- like we are all complex people.

Boobies illict all types of manly feelings, and apparently one of those is chauvainism.  Here is the tail end of that convo:

Me: You are really telling me that posting a pic of your chest discredits you from talking politics?
Me:  Ok then I just got one thing to say to that.

In closing I had a lot more to close with but Stupak has deflated me.  I'll get my energy back soon.  For now, I'm hoping I've made some sort of point.

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