Thursday, October 29, 2009

To Veg or Not to Veg

I’m thinking of doing something crazy. I’m considering a strictly reduced diet when I get back.

Since I’ve been here I’ve eaten mostly Vegetarian (clipped nice and neat in most restaurants as “Veg”). I haven’t eaten red meat since I arrived (it’s not impossible to find here just haven't craved it) and the only animal meat I've eaten since arriving has been a bi-weekly chicken dish.  I don’t miss meat one bit. My energy is the same, I’m just as focused, nothing is off or horrible. My bones aren’t breaking. Yeah, this isn’t so bad.

I’ve been thinking about it for awhile and for a lot of reasons, but mostly they come down to political ones- particularly animal cruelty and climate change. I read an article on it about a week, mostly due to accident but my browser somehow finds it’s way to these articles. Here is the latest one I read.

Of course I never do very well with ultimatums; this is how I failed at quitting smoking for years. So in order to actually succeed I’ve come up with my boundaries and what I plan on modifying:
  • I will continue to eat animal products. Sorry milk cows and cheese goats, your utters are just going to have to suffer. And no one is going to get me to give up butter. No way. But hey it's better than an electric prodder to your mouth and a sliced neck, wouldn't you say?  However, since I recently realized my allergy to eggs, you win out there chickens but fyi - I was a consumer of cage free eggs – least I could do, ya know?
  • In my opinion fish are not animals. Plus I’ve bought dolphin safe tuna since I was 15, when it wasn’t even fashionable. I promise to buy free water fish, or whatever they are called. And I won’t buy the kinds that are being over fished. I promise you that.

Side note: In India, the fish markets are only open early morning or after dark. This is because the fish are kept fresh on ice wrapped in heavy cloth with salt on top. The heat would melt and spoil the ice so instead they only sell in non-direct heat. After dark you can watch old fashioned carts carried by hand wheeled up and down the streets taking the fish to market. It’s not uncommon for people to go at 9pm for their food shopping needs.

I will allow myself several indulgences. They are as follows:
  •  Bacon
  • Thanksgiving/xmas meat
  • If all options fail and are out of my control, I won’t fret, I’ll just eat
 What?? Don't look at me like that.  Bacon is awesome.


  1. Have you read Michael Pollan? The Omnivore's Dilemma or In Defense of Food (I wouldn't read both--they're too similar to each other) but one of them is good. I'm not ready to go on the vegetarian only diet (can't eat cheese for one thing) but I've been trying to eat healthier.

  2. Bacon makes everything better, the little kid who is sleeping over and playing video games says as I got up this morning to make everyone breakfast. lol
