I guess it's rather fitting that I arrived back in India on fathers day, being that this is the home country of my paternal lineage.
Before I get there though , several curiousities greeted me as I made my way. First, there were a significant amount of bosnians on the flight to london. Second, Heathrow is the worst airport ever. Third, I must have some sort of traveling presence b/c at least 5 different couples asked me to explain to them information about traveling (ie do I fill out htis immigration card? What do i do to get my bags? When Do i board the plane?) In fairness most of these people had limited to no english. Maybe I just seem bi-lingual. Fourth, flight attendents do not believe I'm 21 years old thereby creating a rather embarrassing moment of me searching for my passport to prove I'm not making shit up.
I would write more in descriptive detail except I'm pretty sure I"m going into delerious mode and befor eyou know it this will turn into a blog about me declaring my undying love for seth green. So before I digress I would like to make a quick commentary on the few dark hours of India I have seen.
First, India is HOT. I'm quite nervous about the weather I'll be experiencing tomorrow when I go to work. Second, Delhi is different. The last time I was here it was dirt roads intermingled with some pavement, roads were littered with nothing more than a directional idea, etc. Now you have stop lights, the rickshaws are all motor operated, I ddint' see families packed onto motorcyles and old style 40 cars. The majority are modern vehicles, no unsafely traveling families on 2 wheels, and stop lights! They are even building a metro.
I must sign off and sleep, I'm about to keyboard face. More on this dynamic change when I get to view it in daylight and I am able to stay awake.
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