Friday, July 30, 2010

Top 5 Underrated Movies

1.  Dark City

Before the matrix, superhero movies, inception, or any other mind bending reality there was "Dark City."  It was brilliant in 1998 and everytime I watch it (probably a total of 30 times) i still enjoy it.  These days the images are a little grainy and the visual effects almost campy in their effort but it doesn't take away from the sheer creepiness of what you are watching.  It's fantastic sci-fi and it set the bar all by itself for the next 10 years of the genre in film.  ....sleeeep.....

2.  The Hunt for Red October

I still think this is the best put together film ever.  The sound editing, direction, the music, the fact that a lot of it takes place in the way the actors look each other in the's true!  Just watch it.  Trust me.  Also it was the good old days of spies being just normal human beings with standard issue homo sapien muscles, strength, and a dandy does of courage.  Now it's like you need to be a mutant to even think of the CIA.

3.  Kalifornia

Anyone who was surprised Brad Pitt could actually act in Fight Club obviously never saw Kalifornia.  White trash, serial killer hotspots, and a killing spree right up there with natural born killerz.  Good stuff.  Every single line of dialogue is a gem in this movie and I am only slightly embarrassed to admit that i could probably do it on verbatim - IF - the movie was playing in the background.

4.  Drop Dead Gorgeous

Why haven't more people seen this film?  It's epic.  The scene on stage with the wooden dummy... I can't even speak about it, you have to see it for yourself.  Granted I have a soft spot for high school movies but if you liked election you will enjoy this one.

5.  The Thomas Crowne Affair

Renee Russo singlehandedly brought the sexy back to older women.  Pierce Bronson made art nerds cool.   And the movie reminded us all how damn good Nina Simone was as a singer.  This film is smart, fun, enticing, romantic, action packed, tasteful, and just one of the best snapshots of hollywood.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sometimes the best part of blogs...

Are the comments.

I was going to write up a meatless monday recipe but compeltely destoryed my attempt this weekend at making something new.  So eat some spaghetti today.

Now, to prove my point, here are some comments on blogs that I've found freakin hilarious:

I unfortunately cannot give these people the credit due as they are anon or random internet handles.  BUt here you go:

On release of new game trailer (assassin's creed:brotherhood):
  • "I have watched this trailer 5 times in a row which puts me 17 minutes closer to playing the game."
On Mass Effect Figurines released:
  • "Now these are figures I would consider.  Why not?  I plan to be single for a long time and I love mass effect." - phatsmahoney
On Joss Whedon named to direct the Avengers Movie:
  • "Aw man, does this mean they are going to cancel it before it's finished?"  - the smack

And finally, what happens when you put right wing zealots who scream "god hates fags" at comic-con?  Here is your answer.

God, I love geeks.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

To Sims or To Life

While at dinner this weekend with friends my boyfriend launched into the behavior of my Sims addiction which goes a little something like this:  “She buys all the games and expansions when they come out, installs them, plays them for 3 hours, then calls me to bitch about how much money she spent and how lame the game is and then never plays it again.”
After his..strong statement, one might ask him, “well how many times has this happened exactly?”  And his response would be 6 times.  Unfortunately he is not exaggerating.
Okay.  So I have a problem, I admit it.  The games go for around 40 bucks with expansions around 20-40 so it’s not really a cheap thing to do.  On the other hand a nice dinner for 3 hours would cost me more than 40 dollars and I shit that out.  At least I have the game disk and packaging when it comes to Sims.  I know this is a really pathetic justification but it makes me feel better, okay?
When I was little I was really obsessed with those cardboard cutout models (paperdolls) that you would buy and then you could put on the different paper outfits on them with the paper hooks.  I made up all sorts of fun stories and problems that they would have to act them out to my whim, dressed appropriately of course.  Sims is really just the paperdoll passtime on the computer. But they move on their own and have little houses and it’s clearly a step up.   

The problem with the sims is that it sounds cool but then you actually play it and the monotony and sheer will of energy to make your virtual people do the things you want and act out your own stories is exhausting!  And you are sending your people to work, having them fall down tired because you made them have 12 kids, and the kids are all running around not doing their homework and then all of sudden the social worker is there to take them away, then the husband starts cheating with the live in maid…I can only take it for a few hours before I think…WTF am I doing with my time?    That is when I resort to the /motherlode cheat but by then it just isn’t fun anymore.
So okay okay, 6 times.  Learned my lesson!  But, but but but but the new Sims 3 nightlife looks so cool!  There are skyscrapers!  Rooftop Hottubs!  Seedy jazz clubs and vampires!  I mean….maybe it will be cool?  I think I should at least give it a try.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

City Gardening

So I live in Boston, in a condo that doesn't have anything green around it.

In order to compensate I used my back 3 season porch as a garden. This has done nothing but kill everything I put in it. (I should  note that I have never once in my life a) gardened or b) successfully taken care of any living thing.  My family nicknamed me "the fishkiller" when I was little)

I  decided to put herbs in the cinderblocks around my house that separate my driveway from my neighbor's driveway to get some outdoor light and rain.  This I thought would be the sure fire way to kill off anything left remaning alive.

Surprise surprise, the stuff starts growing like weeds.  Here is what I picked today -- just a few stalks of the many overgrown basil and rosemary!

I took some and cooked with it and now I feel really cool, like I'm almost self sustaining.  That's what using a fresh herb will do for you, it will give you the feeling of being immune to famine. 

Healthy but oh-so tasty Pasta with Buttered Pumpernickle

1 onion sauteed
1 garlic clove, sauteed with the onion for a few minutes
cherry tomatoes halved or a big tomato cut up and cooked with onion and garlic for a good 5 mins (til liquid released)
Salt and pepper
Throw in basil at the end and let wilt
Handful of whole wheat pasta, almost done stirred in with above ingredients.
Serve with bread of choice or salad

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Alex Freakin Wong makes me cry

So I am procrastinating, hence the blog post.

But it's a perfect time for me to talk about what a crybaby I am.  Alex Wong, DAMN.  That kid can dance.  And he is just so humble and modest, and did I mention his dancing?  I'm not specialized in dancing knowledge or anything of the sort  but he still brought amazement and joy to me every time I watched him.

So when he ripped his achilles tendon and it rolled down his leg and he can no longer dance (well at least for 3 months) I pretty much balled my eyes out.

Here is to you Alex.  Get well soon.