Sunday, April 4, 2010

To blog or not to blog

So I've decided to give up on twitter b/c as Jeremy Scahill so eloquently put it, it's a lot of "blahblahblah."  I also feel too much on "the grid" with the thing.  I'll probably still check it for news updates, etc while I'm traveling but I already feel an unleashed burden by just saying "screw you twitter!"

Blogging is a stranger more abstract tie in and one I am considering now that my India adventure is over.  Blogging can be a great reflective area but also one ripe with landmines.  There is an excitement there as well as a deep level of wariness of who could possibly stumble upon your page.

What are your thoughts?  Why do you blog?

And does google have a quiz maker for their blogger?  That would be fun.  I love quizzes.