I'm not sure if this happens to everyone but for me I find myself victim to multiple precursors and portents. Potentially moving to India for an extended period of time is no different.
It all started on saturday evening when I met a friend who was in town for dinner. He suggested we eat Indian food. Since this will soon become a staple diet in my life I thought it best to start getting used to eating it all the time and quickly agreed. Thanks to "chow hound" we found a rather small but pleasantly well reviewed food restaurant serving southern indian cuisine and when we arrived at 9pm the place was packed thus encouraging us we were at a very fine eatery.
Shortly after my scrumptious Masala Dosa and samosas (and a few drinks at a local bar) I headed home and then began to scratch my arm, in what I could only assume was a bug bite. About 2 exits later I was annoyed that the litte bloodsucking fiend had hit me up not once, but twice on the same arm. Then, about 3 exits after that I began to realize that either the devil bug's whole family had descended on both my arms or something else was going on with my itchy-ness.
When I got home I took off my shirt to find both arms covered in hives. There were also unfortunately some small hives around my knee area. My fingers had a few bumps as well (and were the most annoying to try to scratch because it kind of hurts to do that).
I traveled to Maine the next day and the hives only got worse. I'm now stuck trying to decide if I'm allergic to indian food, mexican food, or possibly KFC and if the hives responded to me eating additional foods or potentially being in my bf's mold infested apartment. On the bright side, if I do move to India I can at least narrow down the type of cuisine that instigates my hive reaction by my flare up or lack thereof.